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Placing Correct Facebook Ads For Beginners

Placing Correct Facebook Ads For Beginners


After you've selected the audience for your ad the next step is for you to select where you want your ads to appear. And this is actually a pretty quick thing to do but it is important to understand. So to remind you we're still working in the asset level under placements here. This is the second thing. Last thing we have to do and then we'll be done with the set. So in terms of where your odds are going to appear by default Facebook will automatically place them into five different places. So it's important to understand where these five places are. If we click on the learn more bid button here we can find out. So over here on the right hand side we can see that the first place is the Facebook mobile news feed. The second Facebook desktop feed Facebook right hand column Instagram and the audience network. So those are the five places now to explain a little bit more about the third place there. Instagram if you didn't know already face back Facebook bought Instagram and they have allowed us through this ad creates tool to advertise to the Facebook audience which is 150 million daily active users so that's a lot of people a lot of great people that you can get your ad in front of. Now the even cooler thing is that you don't need to have an Instagram account in order to run ads on Instagram.

It is recommended that you have it but if you don't have it it's actually fine. And what happens actually is Facebook will pull your Facebook profile and username and show that in the normal profile that you would see on Instagram. So the people who click on the out wouldn't even know that you didn't have an instagram account. So that's a pretty handy feature that they've built in to enable that. Now the final place is the audience network and this is a network of apps and Web sites where Facebook can also publish their ads. Now they don't have a full list of where all those places are. So in my opinion it's like it's a little bit gray area about where those ads are actually appearing. So what I would recommend is for your first campaign you really want to think about where those placements should be and perhaps you should even edit some of these placements.

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Now if you want to remove some of those placements it's very easy to do. You can come down for example to the audience network. And I'm just going to take this here. You can come in and Instagram and on Twitter if you want. And what I'm going to do is really focuses on the Facebook news feed because that is the place wher people get a lot of click through is engage. So I'm going to remove it from the right hand column instead of articles. And as you can see my reach was two million people and dropping down to four Eighty. Now from my experience in my campaigns as well for my particular audience they do a lot better on desktop and they take a lot more action. So I'm going to reduce that and select like device tied to be desktop only.

So if you're starting in your first campaign maybe something to think about is just to concentrate on the Facebook news feed. But of course this is once again going to depend on your audience the type of ad that you're putting out. But now I understand the options and we're almost finished with the outset level. Just finally the budget and schedule which we'll cover in the next video. I'll see there.

How to Target Facebook Ads Based on Behavior and Connections

Muhamad Iyad Supriyadi disseminator of free courses with the aim of creating a generation that can be proud of throughout the country

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