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How to Add Backup View in Google analytics

 Best practices when you set up Google Analytics

B35T Free Course

in this video you're going to learn how to add an additional view to your google analytics account now this is the best practice when you're setting up google analytics so you have a backup of your data now if we click up here on the top left hand corner you can see that by default you will have one view for your google analytics account when you set it up however you're going to be adding filters segments goals and other configurations like that to your google analytics data so you want to have an unfiltered view an untouched view that you can always go back and look at just in case anything does go wrong when you are adding those configurations and filters so to create an additional view you want to come down into the admin section in the bottom left-hand corner you can see that in the view column here you have the option to see all your views right now we just have one and what we're going to do is actually to rename the one view that we have right now and um we can just click into this here in view settings

so as we scroll down we can see the view name and what i suggest you do here is just call it number one master view now this is the view that you'll be using on a day-to-day basis so we can just save that now if we look at our views it should reload be page

so we've got our master view now we want to create our additional views and we're actually going to create two new views we're going to call this one to test view what you can do with this test view is if you're adding a filter a goal configuration you can test it out in this view first maybe try for a week see if all the data has been presented as you want it to be presented and then you can apply that filter or configuration to your master view and finally we do want to have that raw data view just so we always have the backup of our data so call this number three and raw data review

so there we go we have our three views once again our master view is what we'll be using on a day-to-day basis and remember a view is just a perspective so if you get a little bit more advanced you can set up views to show the data that's only relevant say to a ppc manager or management in a company but for setup purposes you really want to use the view just to make sure that you have that raw data back up so that's how you create a view it's your turn now go ahead into the admin section and create a new view for your account

Muhamad Iyad Supriyadi disseminator of free courses with the aim of creating a generation that can be proud of throughout the country

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